At ROSE POULTRY we make a dedicated effort to ensure that our employees thrive and can work safely every single day.
We focus on both the physical and psychological working environment, and we take into account that both office and production employees must have the right conditions for their daily jobs.
In recent years, we have, among other things, launched a 'Better Together' program, which systematically develops our employees and ensures daily well-being. We regularly have campaigns that focus on personal development, teamwork, safety, and the psychological and physical working environment.
Winner of the Working Environment Award 2022
At HKFoods, we have a groupwide goal of zero work accidents.
Our working environment organization in Denmark is constantly learning through our participation in the Working Environment Association (BFA). Here, together with other companies, we can develop and share tools that help create a good and safe working environment.
Among other things, this has contributed to the development of several creative micro-campaigns to motivate our employees to better safety behavior. These work as a supplement to classic efforts such as security notifications and staff meetings.
The micro-campaigns are easy to understand, catchy and with a touch of humor. For example, our working environment ambassadors handed out bananas with the message "bite it, don't slide in it", and a special shoe police has checked the treads on all our employees' safety shoes.
The effort has really paid off and the number of work accidents has dropped by 96% over a 5-year period. This means that the incidence for the entire industry is approximately 10 times higher than in HKScan.
Based on that, we won the 2022 Working Environment Award in the category Work accidents. This an award that we are incredibly proud of and that we will do everything to live up to in the future.